My Wave of Life Podcast

Discovering Passion in Antiques and Plants: New Business Venture

August 09, 2023 Rebekah Season 4 Episode 2
Discovering Passion in Antiques and Plants: New Business Venture
My Wave of Life Podcast
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My Wave of Life Podcast
Discovering Passion in Antiques and Plants: New Business Venture
Aug 09, 2023 Season 4 Episode 2

Imagine leaving your comfortable, well-paying job to plunge into the uncharted territory of running an antique and plant business. That's exactly what I did, and in this episode, I bring you along on my thrilling journey as I transition from my medical profession to my newfound passion. Feel the excitement and the nerves as I share my experiences of weekend antique hunting and estate sales trips with my family, and how these have not only fueled my business but also brought us closer together. It's a roller-coaster of emotions - from the highs of finding unique items to the lows of self-doubt and fear, all leading up to the exhilarating freedom of creating something truly my own.

Now, get ready as I gear up for my first-ever showcase at the Rose Bowl. It's not just about the pressure of selling my collection, but about fully immersing myself in this new adventure, with my family by my side. This Sunday, August 13th, we'll be setting up our stall in the antique area, row G, spot 14, from 5 am. I'm thrilled to give you a sneak peek into what we'll be selling, and I hope you'll come along to support us. It's not just about the destination, but about embracing the journey, and I can't wait to share this major event with you. Let's step into the world of antiques and plants together, because it's never too late to chase your passion!

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Imagine leaving your comfortable, well-paying job to plunge into the uncharted territory of running an antique and plant business. That's exactly what I did, and in this episode, I bring you along on my thrilling journey as I transition from my medical profession to my newfound passion. Feel the excitement and the nerves as I share my experiences of weekend antique hunting and estate sales trips with my family, and how these have not only fueled my business but also brought us closer together. It's a roller-coaster of emotions - from the highs of finding unique items to the lows of self-doubt and fear, all leading up to the exhilarating freedom of creating something truly my own.

Now, get ready as I gear up for my first-ever showcase at the Rose Bowl. It's not just about the pressure of selling my collection, but about fully immersing myself in this new adventure, with my family by my side. This Sunday, August 13th, we'll be setting up our stall in the antique area, row G, spot 14, from 5 am. I'm thrilled to give you a sneak peek into what we'll be selling, and I hope you'll come along to support us. It's not just about the destination, but about embracing the journey, and I can't wait to share this major event with you. Let's step into the world of antiques and plants together, because it's never too late to chase your passion!

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Speaker 1:

Hey guys, welcome back to a new episode of my Wave of Life. I am your host, Rebekah. Welcome back to whomever is listening again and those who are new welcome. I am Rebekah. Just a little background of my story before I get into this new episode.

Speaker 1:

I recently it's been a year since I left my old job. I was in the medical field and I wanted to pursue something different my own business. At first I didn't know what I wanted to do. I was stuck. I just knew that I didn't want to be in the medical field anymore and so I ended up starting a business. I started with Etsy and I was doing handcrafted stuff, crocheted stuff and everything. That worked for a little while in the winter. But now it's more like I really really found what I was looking for. It kind of came to me. So I'm very grateful that I actually found what I enjoy doing. I cannot believe it's been a year since I haven't worked in like corporates or medical fields or having a boss. It's very enlightening. It's very exciting to not actually have to follow somebody else's directions. I guess it's bittersweet Like yeah, I'm not getting a paycheck or anything, but I am really enjoying this time and venturing out and to figuring out what I actually want in life. And it's been a struggle. It's been ups and downs and it's been sometimes doubting myself to even keep continuing, but I know it's worth it. So how I'm feeling is great, you know. So I want to keep going with this and getting into the episode. I'm here to tell you guys that I will be at the Rolls Bowl in Pasadena on August 13, this coming Sunday. I know I've been MIA on the podcast. I haven't uploaded anything since the last time I did. So I have been working very hard trying to just getting enough items as I can to take to the Rolls Bowl more items that I need.

Speaker 1:

But we are I say we because me, my mom, my family, my aunts we have all kind of ventured into this business. It's very fun. We all like antiques, right? So my mom actually got me into antiques and trying to see different antique stores home goods was our thing and we would go to antique stores and we would just find like really cute stuff and it was just really cool. And I for one, do not like shopping. Like I do not like shopping. I would only go to a shop, get my stuff and get out, you know. So I don't like shopping, but when it comes to like antique stuff and looking at different things that are like super old and like how long has it been around, like that's just really crazy. So this venture just came about and I'm super excited that I did and it's just like you know, it all kind of came together and it's really freaking awesome.

Speaker 1:

But so we have been going to antique stores, estate sales, like anywhere that we can find things that like I envision what I want my business to be. We have all gathered together and we would go every weekend to go to different estate sales and antique stores and we have found a lot of stuff, a lot of things that I think would, you know, benefit a lot of people in their garden and, you know, inside their house, like porcelain stuff and just things that like just represent the garden, just represent things that could like be a plant stand, that could be a plant container, that could be, you know, things that you can put your plants in, you know, in the garden, inside your house, like just just creative things that I've seen in our state sales. I wanted to envision my business as if something like pot or a glass container or a porcelain bowl or a ceramic bowl or a pottery bowl, like if there anything has like a hole in it, like I just want to put a plant in it, you know. So it's kind of weird to like describe it, but like I don't know. Like I just love plants and I've. I just love the outdoors, I love outside, I love my plants. I have, like I don't know how, like maybe 10 plants in my room and I just wanted to create something that that will benefit a lot of people in their house. Like these plants may purify the air, you know, inside the house different types of plants and like they're just awesome. And I love succulents. They don't die as fast as like house plants. You know what I mean. So I just love all these other plants.

Speaker 1:

So I wanted to create something for my business and to create to bring antiques and plants together, and that's what I envisioned, and my family has envisioned my vision as well. So they are my investors and I am the one that works behind the scenes and you know it's just letting me do what I need to do to make this business, you know, successful and I we are all enjoying it. Like they're a little bit crazy when it comes to going antique stores and stuff like that. So I have to like bring them down and come back and reel it in. But, um, for the most part, we have enjoyed spending time with each other, laughing, looking at different things, seeing oh my god, that's like a collection line. Like you know, it's just super cool to like find these, these things and to say like, oh my god, yeah, that's like that collection and oh, somebody made this one. Like it's just really, really interesting and it's just brought another type of joy in our life and a little bit more of a, a lot more of a connection with each other, and that's what I want.

Speaker 1:

Like. I don't want it to be, like you know, stressful or I'm right, I mean I'm stressing out right now, but because I'm trying to get to the this is to Sunday, but for the most part, like I was just telling myself, I need to really enjoy this process. I really need to take everything in and really enjoy it. Like this is, it is my business, but I also want to enjoy it. I don't want it to make it feel like it's a chore, just like work or something I have to do. I really enjoy it and this whole week I'm planting out plants and putting them in pots and like I'm bringing my vision to life and that's like really like, really satisfying, like it's really cool that you think about something that you want to accomplish and and it's coming to life and that's just really cool, like going off topic, like you, as an individual person, you have your own gift or liking or that another person doesn't like you know, and some people do like the same things as you do, right, but you have your own gifts that God has given you.

Speaker 1:

So if you envision something for a business, for a project, just to, like, you know, have fun with it, do it like if it's something that really like you have it in your mind, just just do it like it's just an activity and like if you go wrong, it goes wrong, you know, but at least you tried it and that's where I'm at. I'm at least I'm trying this. I'm at least I'm doing this and yeah, it's gonna be a make it or break it, you know, but I don't want to break it, I want to make it right. So I'm doing as much as I can and on my end To prepare and to do what I need to do for Sunday. But if it doesn't go well, doesn't go well. But I know it's not gonna hit it off right away. You know I'm not, you know, envisioning or.

Speaker 1:

I'm not putting too much pressure on myself. I'm not putting any expectations on myself of how it's gonna go and how much a Profit. No, like, I don't have expectations of that right now. I know this is new. I know I don't. I don't know how it's gonna go. You know it's very Hit or miss, you know. So I don't know. I'm right now, I'm just gonna enjoy it. I'm gonna enjoy hanging out with my family there. They're gonna help me. We're gonna decorate the you know the space. I Will take pictures. I will have them up on my Instagram. You guys can go check it out.

Speaker 1:

I'm I'm just really just going with the flow. You know I don't know what to expect. I don't have somebody that I can look up to. I'm just going with it. Yeah, so I'm very excited for the Sunday, august 13 at the Rose Bowl. Get tickets. I'm really really early in the morning, since 5 am those are $20, I believe, and then after 9 o'clock they will go cheaper. So whichever time or Whichever one you want, I have to get there at 4, 30 or 4, I don't know what time it is, but I have to get there early so I can, you know, put everything up just like vendors do. Um, yeah, it's just, I'm really excited. I I don't know what to expect, like I said. So it's just gonna, I'm just gonna take it as it comes, you know. So, yeah, that's all I wanted to tell you guys before I go. A little bit more radio silence and you guys know what I'm doing and when I will be at selling stuff. And, as of today, I believe, I put up a real as well of a little bit, a sneak peek of what we are gonna be selling out there and For the most part, it's looking great, everything is tagged price, everything is going good. Yeah, I'm really excited. Hopefully you guys come out and support and make it out.

Speaker 1:

Just have the experience of going to the Rose Bowl. Like the first time ever going to the Rose Bowl. My mom took me and then she's like I want you to have a place like this, but I had no idea, like before that, like it wasn't a thing, you know, like I didn't have a business, I didn't have an LLC or anything like that. So she was like just saying it and like I was like, yeah, that would be cool. You know, in my mind, yeah, sure, like I'm never gonna be at the Rose Bowl and like to be like, oh my god, now I'm gonna be at the Rose Bowl on Sunday. Like, oh my goodness, it's just like, it's, it's unreal, you know, it's just like one day you're like, no, I'm never gonna be in here. You know there's too many vendors or too many people having their own business, too competitive out there, but I, it's, it's so crazy, it's, it's, it's a good feeling, crazy, you know. So I'm gonna just keep writing this, this wave, you know, and it's a new chapter and, yeah, I'm just enjoying it. So I know this podcast is a little bit short, but I just want to let you guys know and invite you guys out there to check us out, to check other vendors out as well. There's just a lot going on. So I'll be in the attic area, which is the orange area, and I will be in row G, spot 14, and yeah. So hopefully you guys are, you guys go out there and you guys support, see you guys faces. That would be awesome and yeah. So I will leave you guys with the quotes again at the end.

Speaker 1:

Ccst is Chapter 3, verse 11 there's a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens a time to be born, a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot. A time to kill and a time to heal, a Time to tear down and a time to build. A time to weep and a time to laugh. A time to mourn and a time to dance. A Time to scatter stones and a time to gather them. A time to embrace and a time to reframe from embracing. A Time to search and a time to give up. A time to keep and a time to throw away. A Time to tear and a time to mend. A Time to be silenced and a time to speak, and a time to love and a time to hate, and A time for war and a time for peace.

Speaker 1:

Well, that gave me goosebumps. Well, I'm just gonna leave it at that to have nothing else to say. Thank you guys so much for listening again. Welcome to the newcomers. Hope you guys tune in again, hope you guys are making waves in your guys's lives, and I am your host, rebecca, and we will see you guys next time I do a podcast after this whole Rose Bowl thing is Complete and I will give you guys an update on what happens with the Rose Bowl. Hope you guys are having a great day and we'll see you next time. Bye, guys.

Starting Antiques and Plant Business
Rose Bowl