My Wave of Life Podcast

Crafting Our Future with Love, Faith, and Intention in 2024

January 02, 2024 Rebekah Zarate Season 5 Episode 1
Crafting Our Future with Love, Faith, and Intention in 2024
My Wave of Life Podcast
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My Wave of Life Podcast
Crafting Our Future with Love, Faith, and Intention in 2024
Jan 02, 2024 Season 5 Episode 1
Rebekah Zarate

As the confetti settles from our New Year's celebrations, Alex and I invite you to a heart-to-heart on the resolutions that are setting the stage for our future. We're opening up our personal journals, sharing everything from our quest for spiritual growth to the nuts and bolts of daily life. Imagine finding faith as a compass for love and life, with Alex seeking a spiritual anchor and me introducing a God-oriented planner—these aren't just resolutions, they're revelations. Tune in to hear how our spiritual undertakings are not just shaping our path to the altar but also teaching us the art of intention-setting as we walk through the pre-marriage classes hand in hand.

Venture with us as we sketch the dreams that adorn our vision board: from a flourishing family life to striking the perfect chord in work-life harmony. We get real about the possibility of future fertility challenges, discussing with candor the alternative routes to parenthood and the financial undertones of such choices. Listen in to journey through our shared ambitions, from nurturing our small business to rekindling our passion for content creation on YouTube and podcasts. And yes, we don't hold back on the emotions either—relive the magical moment of our engagement, a story that resonates deeply with our listeners. It's not just a podcast; it's a mosaic of our life's aspirations, an intimate tapestry woven with love, faith, and the sheer will to manifest dreams into reality.

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As the confetti settles from our New Year's celebrations, Alex and I invite you to a heart-to-heart on the resolutions that are setting the stage for our future. We're opening up our personal journals, sharing everything from our quest for spiritual growth to the nuts and bolts of daily life. Imagine finding faith as a compass for love and life, with Alex seeking a spiritual anchor and me introducing a God-oriented planner—these aren't just resolutions, they're revelations. Tune in to hear how our spiritual undertakings are not just shaping our path to the altar but also teaching us the art of intention-setting as we walk through the pre-marriage classes hand in hand.

Venture with us as we sketch the dreams that adorn our vision board: from a flourishing family life to striking the perfect chord in work-life harmony. We get real about the possibility of future fertility challenges, discussing with candor the alternative routes to parenthood and the financial undertones of such choices. Listen in to journey through our shared ambitions, from nurturing our small business to rekindling our passion for content creation on YouTube and podcasts. And yes, we don't hold back on the emotions either—relive the magical moment of our engagement, a story that resonates deeply with our listeners. It's not just a podcast; it's a mosaic of our life's aspirations, an intimate tapestry woven with love, faith, and the sheer will to manifest dreams into reality.

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Speaker 1:

Hey guys, welcome back to an all new episode of my Wave of Life. I'm your host, rebekah, and today we have a special guest, alex Ramirez, my fiance, fiance, fiance.

Speaker 2:

Fiance with the fiance.

Speaker 1:

So today, well, Merry Christmas to everybody.

Speaker 2:

It was quick.

Speaker 1:

I feel like it went by really really quick.

Speaker 2:

I didn't feel like it was Christmas until, like the day of Like Christmas Eve or Christmas Day Day. Eve was like we were doing too much.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It was all like like not no hate on family at all, but when you're spending time with family it just goes by itself, yeah you're right it just felt like a regular day. We were just hanging out with family. Of course it's Christmas time, but that's how I felt.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but I mean Christmas Day we just like relaxed and you know, did our own little Christmas gifts here, you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, true.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but it went by fast, okay. So today I wanted to talk a little bit about our New Year's resolution, resolution, resolution.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So I did a vision board. I recently purchased something on Amazon. I always get like a planner each year but I kind of wanted to do a planner but also like God, worship God, gospel, God influenced type of planner, Like a worship to God and a worship to the Sunday sermons and stuff like that. So it's pretty cool and it's by it's called God, family and work.

Speaker 2:

Just a little side note. So we went to church. What last week, two weeks ago?

Speaker 1:

Yes, we actually went to church. It was your first, our first time going together.

Speaker 2:

Together. Yeah, my like, probably like a handful of times to like fifth time, sixth time, summer around there.

Speaker 1:

And you went with your mom.

Speaker 2:

I've gone with my sister, mom and dad before for like plays and stuff on Christmas time and you know cheesecake, talk to people. You know other stuff. I've gone to um Wednesday night, I guess youth group once or twice. Other than that I've never really gone or been a church grower.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but what kind of wall, what kind of religion was, like Christian or you know?

Speaker 2:

or Catholic. I just kind of went because I was dragged along back in the day. Yeah, I was a kid growing up, teenager almost.

Speaker 1:

Understandable. I get that.

Speaker 2:

But my 2024 goal is kind of retouch with faith.

Speaker 1:

Retouch with your faith, and what does that look to you?

Speaker 2:

I mean, I don't know if they know. Whoever's listening knows that you want to get married by the church, your family wants us to get married by the church.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I don't mind being married by the church. It's just I never grew up on that because my family wasn't very religious when it came to go into church and having Sundays and doing family stuff like that. I was always on the go for softball tournaments and football and all this other stuff for us as kids, so we never really got to experience that type of faithful life. I guess you want to go and yeah, like work balance church typing. So Can we start talking about the goals and stuff?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, okay, so you want me to go first, or you go first?

Speaker 2:

No, I was just gonna start rambling.

Speaker 1:

Rambling. So like your vision board in a way.

Speaker 2:

I guess I mean I just kind of like I don't want to say, like I want to just like we get retouched with faith and like start making a change in like how we live every day, every day, day, day, you know, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And like.

Speaker 2:

I do want to get married by the church because you know, I know you want that, I know your family wants that, I want it.

Speaker 1:

It's not going to be a bad thing yeah it's just doing the process of trying to get married by the church and doing the classes that they provide, and it's within the three-month period of what we need to start now. Within the sixth month period, but also within the three months, is when the preparation starts, and stuff like that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I wouldn't have guessed any of that because I don't know anything about it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Which is why I have to go to classes and learn all this other stuff.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Which I'm down to do, it's not a problem. Also a little backstory I have like a little pendant. It's across and I got it when I was a kid. So I mean like I've always had faith with me but I've never really shown it, whether like it was coming out of, like speech or how I acted. But I mean I do have faith, I care about others, I care about myself. I just have pure good intentions and love and good entity that I bring.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, good vibes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. So that's why I kind of also want to get in touch with it, like I'm not saying I'm going to go to church every Sunday, I'm not going to do this. You know I'm not going to go crazy with it, but I usually want to get retouched with my faith and that balance of life.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it doesn't necessarily mean like you'll be full on Christian or full on Catholic.

Speaker 2:

It's just that you want to have some type of religion to help stable a life, you know.

Speaker 1:

I mean you believe in God.

Speaker 2:

I mean of course.

Speaker 1:

Of course, yeah, so it's just not hold on. So it's not necessarily meaning that you want to be Catholic or Christian, chris.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like I'm not going to choose a faith and stick with it. I just want to retouch with faith. Whether I don't even care if it's Buddhism or you know, I just want a staple in my life that I can reach out to someone, whether it's God, whether it's anybody that is in a church, you know, someone of power, someone of faith, someone of religion. You know, if I'm having a bad day and I need to go talk to someone and you're not available, or like we do want to get married, we're obviously going to have to go to the church. If we want to get married to the church, and in that case I'm evidently going to have to. At the end of the day, sometime in my life, we'll have to retouch with faith, because I'm going to go to classes for us to get married. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

So might as well.

Speaker 2:

Just you know, if it's on my list already, might as well just knock it out, kind of you know.

Speaker 1:

But these classes are not necessarily like for you to become Catholic, no, but While I'm just letting people know it's not for you to become Catholic, it's more for us like a family planning type thing that the church has for us, and we'll also get us prepared for the sacrament that we are going to do as marriage and be like it's not so much like a contract and paper signed and everything like you would do in a civil court system, but it's more like you are. You're two different people but you're becoming one person and that's what we also have to learn. And those are different things that like I haven't even learned Well, I mean I have, but like it would be a good refresher to have and doing those classes with you. You know, and like I know we decided not to do the retreat of it because it's like the weekend, right, but it's just like the one day seminar that we decided to do and stuff.

Speaker 2:

So then I also feel like you can connect with the priest a little bit more. When you do that, when you go to the classes, but if you go to the retreat. You don't really talk to a priest at all.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you just go there and hang on and stuff. I don't even know if we're going to be with like other couples too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'd rather just do it solo, like with you, no other couples.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I understand, yeah, I get you, oh, but yeah, so after doing the classes and stuff, we're going to be having to actually pick a date too. Well, maybe even prior to doing the classes. That's fine, yeah, so we still have to do that. Okay, so going to your vision board, you want to get closer to the faith and get a better job with benefits and.

Speaker 2:

Get married.

Speaker 1:

Get married. Well, get to the process of getting married in 2024.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, retouch with faith, get a place to live, whether it's a house, apartment, etc. Mm-hmm Gym a lot of role-play.

Speaker 1:

Working out. Yeah, work out, mm-hmm, okay, okay. So my vision board is so. I have a picture of a couple with a Bible and so I feel like we are going to get closer to God and words of affirmation like he prayed for her, she prayed for him. God answered them both in this timing. I feel like I prayed for him and I feel like he also prayed for me as well. Your next chapter in your life is going to be amazing. I also have faith over fear. I have a girl on her couch reading her Bible with her coffee. I feel like that's going to be me as well. I trust in God's timing. A picture of apples and green beans and leaves, and you know, to live healthy and live slowly.

Speaker 1:

I feel like I'm not as present as I want to be and I want to do more of that. I feel like I'm always on the go, go, go and not like slowing down and smelling the roses in a way, for mine is wedding planning to the deadline, to the big day. I feel like that's going to happen eventually Us finding an apartment or somewhere to live. I have two people doing the heart shape thing with a key and I think that would be super cool to find an apartment with each other and a girl meditating on the beach. I want to do more meditation. I don't know necessarily on the beach as many times as I would want to, but for sure I want to meditate, wake up earlier, either to get ready for the day. Also, maybe to work out, maybe in the mornings, because in the afternoon is going to be really hectic. Big dreams, making plans, smashing goals I think that's. I live by that motto Work life balance. I need to really learn how to do work life balance, because I feel that kind of goes into our relationship. When I'm not focusing on us, sometimes I'm just like go, go, go on my business and it's just like a lot and all that. I'm starting part time too, I feel like we get less time to talk to each other. Discipline and consistency I really want to hone onto those, because I feel like I'm not disciplined when it comes to like eating whatever there is to eat, because I'm just like let's just eat that and I feel like I need to be more disciplined on that, for sure. Consistency I want to be more consistent of what I'm doing, like working out, posting on Instagram for marketing and stuff like that for the business and everything like that. I need to be more consistent on that.

Speaker 1:

A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles. I feel like if you're particularly grateful for things that you have, I think you will have miracles come your way. I feel also, if you are giving money or not even giving money, but giving your kindness to people, I feel like you will get it 10 times more to yourself. That's how I feel, and then my family is happy and healthy. Always more important thing I have a picture of a mountain and we're in a car, so I definitely want to travel more with you, more traveling outside, in the nature of the mall, not necessarily like the cities, because I feel like there's just like a lot of people in the city or you know.

Speaker 2:

We don't like people. Yeah, yeah, very anti-people impressions.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I feel like nature is where we should go, especially if we can go camping. I think that would be cool.

Speaker 2:

Or fishing trips for Wink Wink.

Speaker 1:

Or fishing trips? Yeah, for sure, I think that would be really cool. Oh, small business, big heart. I have a small business and I have a big heart. That's all I can tell about that, because it is very small right now and I am a successful business owner Also, pray for that. And also YouTube. I want to start doing the YouTube channel again that I have, and also I have the podcast. It looks exactly what I am all about. There is a podcast like microphone, the Apple computer that I have. It also has Bath and Body Works right there. It even has the perfume that you bought me the black one, the black opium yeah, that one. And then it also has a water bottle. That's totally me. So I had to pick that. Yeah, so I think that's all that I have on my vision board. Yeah, so I got all those little clippings of pictures on Pinterest. So it's going to be one crazy 2024. Yeah, what else do you have to add about our vision and what we want in life? Maybe not in 2024, but Kids.

Speaker 1:

Kids. How long do you feel like we should have kids?

Speaker 2:

What do you mean by that? How long?

Speaker 1:

Okay, so married by what we would see each other get married is 2025. And then babies popping them out right then in 2025 or 2026.

Speaker 2:

The way I've always felt like if we have kids, no matter what the time, we could have nothing to our name. But if we have a kid and I'm going to take care of it, that's what I can. But if it's time's not right, time's not right. And if that window of when it comes to our health being other reason why we can't have kids, due to age and due to just other implications of just health reasons, like PCOS, is a big thing which I don't think a lot of people talk about, because a lot of women nowadays have it and it actually does do a lot of damage that they don't really think about and I know we've had discussions and you.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm not technically diagnosed with that. That's all I was saying. You're?

Speaker 2:

not technically diagnosed with or with a doctor.

Speaker 1:

I have been diagnosed by a Chinese doctor.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I've been diagnosed with herbal medicines and all these other teas and stuff like that that can diagnose you a different way without labs and technological stuff. So that's all I'm saying, like, at the time is right, time is right, but if it doesn't happen, you can't be too mad about that. I just, you know. I mean, yes, it's a sucky thing, but that's just kind of like how life works, you know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like we have no control over that Exactly.

Speaker 2:

And if it comes to it, you know there's always other options. Ador, adortion, what the heck? No, nope, I'm talking about adoption, and then also surrogation, you know. Implanting.

Speaker 1:

I mean that's a lot of money.

Speaker 2:

That is a lot of money, but if it's out there for us to have kids, if it's capable, I mean, yes, I want kids, but if it doesn't happen, it does not happen.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I got you. I mean I feel like PCOS, I think it would go away. If I mean I'm not a doctor, I don't know if it would go away, but I feel like if I take care of myself, and that's a big factor you know?

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, if I took care of myself too, I'm pretty sure our chances would be higher.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, but I just felt like I will do anything in my part to actually physically have kids, you know, because I would I always have wanted that to actually do, have it. I mean, I want kids too.

Speaker 2:

No, yeah, but, like I'm saying, you always have to have that mindset of if it doesn't happen. You can't just be crushing and let it like consume you, because then you're not going to be able to live, you're not going to be able to go on about your day, You're just going to be stuck in bed all day. And you know that's not a good road, which we don't want to go down.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, for sure yeah. Well, just we have dogs, a lot of dogs and farm animals, which is kidding.

Speaker 2:

But I'm just saying like you can't doubt it, but you can also not have 100% Believing it, you know yeah, because there are a lot, of, a lot of. Unpredictable things that can happen, which suck, which is out of our control, which is why church comes in and God and faith.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you're right praying praying for the best outcome, and if that's not, if we're praying for the best outcome and maybe it's not what is in store with for us.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay, who knows, maybe we're not a Supposed to have kids in our future. Who knows, knows? Yeah, you can't tell a future.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I got you. So we agree that we want kids. Oh well, how many kids you want?

Speaker 2:

First off, let's talk about you. How many do you want? She wants a farm.

Speaker 1:

I want that's a whole city. No, but I mean, like I know it's gonna be difficult with the first one. I mean I've never had Childbirth or anything like that, you know. I mean I don't know how it's gonna feel. So I think I would start with one and go from there. But for sure, if we had a boy and a girl, I would stop. If we had a girl, girl, I would go for the boy. If we had a boy, boy, we would go for the girl. Because you want more of a girl.

Speaker 2:

I At least one, one boy, maybe two boys and then one girl. I don't care to have. I mean, of course, if it happens, it happens. I can't control it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But I do want at least one of each sex only because it's just that's just what I grew up on, that's how I have a sister. I have a sister and I'm the only boy and I only have one sibling which is a sister. So I don't know. Also, like I kind of want like a little daddy's girl. Yeah, then I also want a son to protect her growing up, like I would want my son first Grow a couple years and then have a daughter.

Speaker 1:

Also, you want to have it back to back.

Speaker 2:

If it happens, happens. Yeah like I'm saying I don't know anything. Yeah, it happens it happens.

Speaker 1:

Well, we will have more Podcasts with you later on down the road. Hope so, oh, that's another thing I was gonna talk to you about our, our, um. Our most viewed on the podcast is Podcasts or. Youtube, no, no, viewed on well, both. I believe YouTube and podcast Would be our reaction to our engagement video. Isn't that cool?

Speaker 2:

Fun fact, I do kind of go back and every now and then watch it.

Speaker 1:

I just like. Well, each time I would go back, I like, I would like cry because like, like. I didn't really for sure knew that you were gonna do it there, like I knew. I knew you were gonna propose at some time.

Speaker 2:

She knew a general idea of when I was gonna propose not like month.

Speaker 1:

I didn't know what month you were gonna pose. I didn't know anything like that.

Speaker 2:

I knew she just knew it was coming soon.

Speaker 1:

I knew it was coming soon. I didn't know you were gonna do it there, because you always said Disneyland was like kind of yeah like cheesy to get engaged there. Yeah so I didn't really think about it.

Speaker 2:

I didn't either, but I mean it just it worked out. And it didn't work out because a lot of stuff couldn't get kept getting pushed back. Like I said, originally I tried doing it at the beach, at a park kind of beach park thing, and then we would have had a picnic and then went down to the beach and then took a photo shoot and then makes you know, I'm on one knee when she turns around and boom. And that didn't happen. Because I remember that day, whoever bought that, that that little section on that day, you can rod, because I remember at like it was payday. I remember literally the day before it was open because it was a reservation for a website that I can Do a picnic and do a photo shoot and all this other stuff it was.

Speaker 2:

It was gonna be a whole, a whole shebang, a whole like a few hundred other thing and I already had bought in tickets for Disneyland sweetheart, which is when I proposed. So that was already purchased Um, that was much to purchase like a month before. Um, when I was going to propose is I was going to buy the Um, the reservation, through that company on payday. I look at midnight it is still there. I got paid at like 1 am or something like that, oh my gosh. And I look back and as soon as I was about to go purchase it, somebody bought it. So within an hour of me getting paid, somebody bought it. I was so livid because I I knew she wanted to get married by the beach, or at least engaged by the beach.

Speaker 2:

Mm-hmm with Our daughter, aka Roxy, aka Our dog. Yeah next to us. Mm-hmm and of course I'm not gonna be walking around with my camera out Just like oh, hey, look, and actually you know I'm on one knee trying to juggle my camera, the ring box, my knee down you know all this other stuff yeah.

Speaker 1:

I mean, in a sense, I worked out. I was like it worked out, but the original pen fell through yeah, yeah, but it worked out. Yeah, it worked out for the better and we got video and got pictures and we even got professional pictures that I didn't even have to pay for.

Speaker 2:

Technically. Well, technically it was paid for I mean it was included, that's why it was paid for. Yeah it was paid for those tickets weren't that cheap, but they were cheap, but that makes sense, they're cheaper than normal.

Speaker 1:

Disneyland tickets, which is nice which is weird, because it's like a special event, right, because it's like yeah, but it only lasts a couple hours.

Speaker 2:

Disneyland you can go almost all day this was what from six to ten, so it's only four hours. Yeah, oh, that's true, and only certain rides are open, not the whole park, so that's why it's like kind of discount and they have more nights like, uh, sweethearts night, they have disney channel night, um really, yeah, they have a buggy night for halloween they have.

Speaker 2:

Um, there's another one that we were gonna go to I think it's called the princess, the princess night or something like that where you get to like dance with princesses and stuff like that and the ball, like the ball over there, and the free disney princess design, food and stuff. It was really cool. I was gonna take you to that one, but then I saw a sweethearts night and I was like they haven't had that in a long time, I think due to covid.

Speaker 1:

So no, it'd be cool. Well, thank you for bringing on the podcast with me. My love you're welcome.

Speaker 2:

I love you I love you too, this one yes, it was, and make sure you guys go like comment, subscribe whatever you need to do, ring the ring the bell. You guys know what to do ring the bell you know what that song is originally about no, thank you.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I gotta go bye, we, we, we. That's our little thing okay, um, we're supposed to end with the with the, with the quote from the bible, so collage in chapter two, verse six through seven. I will give thanks to the lord because of his righteousness. I will sing the praises of the name of the lord most high amen amen.

Speaker 1:

Yes, thank you, my love. Thank you guys so much for listening. I hope you guys are making waves in your guys's lives and we will see you guys next tuesday with an all new episode. Bye guys, bye so.

Discussing New Year's Resolutions and Faith
Vision Board Goals and Future Plans
Discussions on Diagnoses and Future Plans