My Wave of Life Podcast

Unseen Doors Unlocked by The Power of Prayer

January 31, 2024 Rebekah Zarate
Unseen Doors Unlocked by The Power of Prayer
My Wave of Life Podcast
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My Wave of Life Podcast
Unseen Doors Unlocked by The Power of Prayer
Jan 31, 2024
Rebekah Zarate

As I sat in the quiet of dawn, whispering my hopes into the day, I never imagined how prayer would weave through the very fabric of my life. This episode is an intimate sharing of my journey with prayer, where I unpack the true essence of leaning on God's plan, even when the road takes unexpected turns. Through stories close to my heart, we'll unravel the beauty of prayer—not as a wish list to the universe but as a powerful channel to acknowledge the gifts already in our grasp. I'll take you through my business's early days, where quitting seemed the only option, and reveal how faith, coupled with the unwavering support from those dearest to me, became the cornerstone of my perseverance.

Life's tapestry is rich with moments of gratitude, and in today's conversation, I celebrate those instances where faith has flung open doors I didn't even know existed. From juggling a nine-to-five to embarking on a venture into the antique realm, every step was a dance with divine timing. You'll hear the heartfelt role my mother played in this newfound chapter, and how staying present and receptive to guidance can lead to places beyond our wildest dreams. It's about asking "What is next?" and having the courage to walk the path that unfolds with an open heart, ready for whatever blessings are in store. Join me in this exploration of trust, gratitude, and the unexpected joys that come from a life of prayerful anticipation.

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

As I sat in the quiet of dawn, whispering my hopes into the day, I never imagined how prayer would weave through the very fabric of my life. This episode is an intimate sharing of my journey with prayer, where I unpack the true essence of leaning on God's plan, even when the road takes unexpected turns. Through stories close to my heart, we'll unravel the beauty of prayer—not as a wish list to the universe but as a powerful channel to acknowledge the gifts already in our grasp. I'll take you through my business's early days, where quitting seemed the only option, and reveal how faith, coupled with the unwavering support from those dearest to me, became the cornerstone of my perseverance.

Life's tapestry is rich with moments of gratitude, and in today's conversation, I celebrate those instances where faith has flung open doors I didn't even know existed. From juggling a nine-to-five to embarking on a venture into the antique realm, every step was a dance with divine timing. You'll hear the heartfelt role my mother played in this newfound chapter, and how staying present and receptive to guidance can lead to places beyond our wildest dreams. It's about asking "What is next?" and having the courage to walk the path that unfolds with an open heart, ready for whatever blessings are in store. Join me in this exploration of trust, gratitude, and the unexpected joys that come from a life of prayerful anticipation.

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Rebekah Zarate LLC Antique Shop
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Speaker 1:

Hey guys, welcome back to an all in the episode of my Wave of Life. I'm your host, rebecca, and today I want to talk about the power of prayer. I feel like prayer is so powerful and I have really experienced how powerful a prayer is, and it's not so much that I get my answers, or I get what I asked for or I prayed for it and it came true supernaturally it's not something like that, but it's more like. Sometimes I feel like I'm more like I'm being directed into a path that I feel that I should be going and for me, I feel like that's God talking to me or guiding me in some way. And there's other times that I feel like God has put people in my path or I have gone to places where I needed to go and it has opened new doors for me. And that's what I'm really experiencing right now in my life currently, and I'm just really grateful for the things that have been coming into my life and the opportunities that are here. I will talk about it a little bit more at the end, but I really want to hone into the prayer.

Speaker 1:

Prayer is not about just asking God for something that you want. It's not something that you say, oh, I want to win the lottery and hopefully God will hear me and he'll come through. No, for all we know, we have won the lottery for the things that we do have in life and it might be something. Our lives might be so small and significant and we might be struggling, but we might have something that other people don't have. At that time and moment and we should really hone in that we did win the lottery in some way and you're not seeing it as all this money as a lottery. So it's something that you really have to think about and really have to be grateful of what you actually have. For people that do pray and say, oh, I did pray for the lottery and it didn't happen, and so there's not a God. It's like no, what's no? You probably are being shown different signs of maybe. You found a penny on the floor and you picked it up and you didn't even think that that could be part of your lottery. It's just something that's small and significant is what I'm trying to get at. God is everywhere and God will show you in different ways that you won a lottery if you are asking to win the lottery and like God has like a good sense of humor in that way and, yeah, it might not feel like what you're going through is funny and like in your hardships are not to be laughed at, and you're right. But he has something for you and it might not be right now, but he definitely, definitely, definitely has something for you, and I have learned the hard way.

Speaker 1:

Trust me, when I started this business, I wanted to quit. I wanted to quit so so many times, so many times I wanted to quit, and my family has been there my fiance has been there telling me to keep going, keep going, and for them to be there and to be supportive of me was everything. But at the end of the day, I'm going to make that decision of giving up or keep going and, of course, their support really helps. But it's ultimately my decision to make and I knew and I felt in my heart that this is where I needed to go through these struggles in order to get to the other side. That's with everything that you go through in hardships, you're going to go through them and you it's really sucky at the time, you know, and there is another side of that hardship. So I want to read a little bit of my Bible and I have mentioned it before, but I have a Bible that's from Candace Cameron Bray and she has. On the back of the Bible there's an index, a help finder, and there's you go to prayer and there's like a bunch of verses that have to do with prayer. I went to the section and I'm going to read a little bit about what they put on here.

Speaker 1:

The most universally practiced, yet least understood of human experiences, prayer, is one of the great mysteries of the Christian faith. Its simplest definition is communication with God. Yet so often we approach prayer like a one-way telephone conversation, forgetting that God also wants to speak to us. And how do we pray? On our knees or standing Silently or out loud, alone or with others? And does prayer really induce God to change events or otherwise act on our behalf? Prayer assumes that it is possible for us to have an intimate relationship with a God who hears, cares and is able to act For me.

Speaker 1:

I'm looking for why is prayer important? And the verse that I picked is on Matthew, chapter 7, verse 7 through 11. Keep on asking and you will receive what you asked for. Keep on seeking and you will find. Keep on knocking and the door will be open to you, you, parents. If your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead? Of course not. So if you, sinful people, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask Him? There's more to prayer than just getting an answer to a question or a solution for a problem. God often does more in your heart through the act of prayer than he does in actually answering your prayer. As you persist in talking and listening, you often gain greater understanding of yourself, your situation, your motivation, god's nature and the direction for your life.

Speaker 1:

To be honest, when I've been doing the Bible recap and following along with my Bible, I was kind of weirded out, not in a bad way. I pray to God to help me figure out what is next in my life and what is next if this business is going to take a turn, turn for the worst. I just didn't know where it was gonna go and I still don't know where it's gonna go. I just needed a little bit of a validation, in a way, and to see that where I was, where I am now, is where I need to be, and I feel like I am, but there's always that need of validation, you know. So I did pray and I did ask him to show me in his own ways because obviously, like it said, it's like having a conversation one way and a telephone and there is other ways that you will hear him and you can also see what he has, what he's, what he's doing for you.

Speaker 1:

And I definitely have seen what he has put in my path and I have to really open my eyes and I have to really have to be really present in the moment to actually see and feel him. And I like, literally, I got, I kind of got I don't think scared is the right word I kind of got like wow, he's showing me so much. Like this is scary, like I was like I'm super grateful, super, super grateful that he has come through and he has showed me and I have, in a way, yeah, I have received what he is showing me and I have to do that. I have to be prepared for things that I have prayed for and so if I'm not, then it's just gonna fly by and I'm not gonna be able to accept what he is putting in my path. I have definitely seen him work through me and for me in different areas in my life, but it really really came to a realization of what he's actually doing for me. Now I'm just so grateful, I'm so inspired and I'm more motivated to to keep reading my Bible and to keep doing my Bible recaps and stuff, and and right now my life is so busy I'm I'm working a nine to five right now and it's been hard, and to find the balance of my first job and then also my business.

Speaker 1:

It's been hard. It's been really really hard for me also. I feel like podcasting itself is another job. I feel like YouTube being vlogging is another job. Going to a state sales is like another job with my business and it's included with my business. So it's very hard to do everything within the seven days and within 24 hours and I've just been so overwhelmed. But you know I'm I'm really grateful of where it's going.

Speaker 1:

Like I said, be careful what you wish for and be careful what you pray for, because if you're not ready to receive what he is going to give you, you are in for a rude awakening, because I prayed for this and I prayed for it to, like you know, be shown to me right and what is next, you know, and he's like well, you're gonna do podcasting, you're gonna do YouTube, you're gonna. You wanted a job. Well, here's here you go, you're back at your old job, you need it, you need to pay your bills. Well, here, here's your job original, your original job back, and you also have your business and you're making money on that too, and you're also gonna do podcasting, also gonna do YouTube. But you know, it's ultimately my decision on if I'm going to give up or quit or I'm gonna continue along this journey that he has lined up for me. He's giving me the energy and the motivation to keep going, because I was not like this, like I had no motivation, I, when I wasn't working, I yeah, I was doing the, my business of crocheting, and that wasn't taking off. So I was totally bummed on that and so, with Etsy and everything like that, and then the rolls will happen. When I was like I'm gonna do antiques, I shot for antiques and I want that to be a business and I think that would be really cool. And then I looked into the rules well, and then I got into the rules well, and then I wanted to do the website and put everything online and that kicked off and then needed to pay my bills because I was running out of money. And then I ended up getting the job and then I started doing podcasting and then now I'm doing YouTube and about estate sales and about the Rose Bowl and stuff.

Speaker 1:

Now is the news that I've been wanting to tell you guys I, the prayer has been answered in. And you know I didn't ask for this, I did not, I did not pray for this exact thing, I did not say, hey, god, I want to, I want to do this. You know I and show me the way. You know no, I told I asked him, I, I prayed to him, I said what is next? That's all I said what is next?

Speaker 1:

And you know he worked through my mom and you know he works through people. He works through a lot of people and he definitely worked through my mom and my mom was like we need to get you into an antique store, and so my mom looked at some stuff without kind of, I mean, I knew we kind of wanted to do that and we were going to look into it, but I didn't know she was making phone calls already and, like, you know, really looking into it and so in that aspect she really did help me out on that. So, like I said, god works through people and she, we went to go look at one vintage store and it was. It was not something that we were looking for and so we were like, okay, like we're trying to see, maybe it can work, maybe, you know, maybe this, maybe it can work. You know we're trying to talk ourselves into it, but ultimately it just didn't work out and so, okay, so that was that, and so then I was like really really bummed that like we couldn't, it wasn't going to work out.

Speaker 1:

And we're coming back from our state sale and we ended up going to another antique store that she wanted to go to. Lo and behold, there was two spaces available. You know, two spaces available. And guess what? I got one of the spaces and that is just so crazy. To think that I will be at a vintage antique shop Like that is crazy, crazy. I would never have thought that I would have, that I would be in in a store like that. Like I've gone to stores like this and I never even thought like this was even possible for me to be like announcing it that I'm going to be in one of these stores Like, oh my goodness, like God, god is great. Like I just have to give it up to him. Like I have seen his work, I have seen it, I, I don't need to see anything else. Like I know God is great, I know God is real, I know God is around, I know God listens, I know I know God is always going to be a part of my life. That's it. It's crazy how powerful prayer really is. I, that's all I got to say. I'm still in awe, I'm still like trying to pinch myself, to be like what is going? Like did I just did? I really did I really just sign the contract? Like what? So yeah, so I will be at an antique store.

Speaker 1:

I currently live in California and so this antique store is in Covina, california, and it's called Old Covina Antique Emporium. Address is 514 North Citrus Avenue, covina, california, 91732. So you will see a spot, a space, whatever you want to call it. I will be in one of those spaces and I am overly, overly excited about it. And it's just one more thing added to my plate.

Speaker 1:

This is what I prayed for and I'm not going to just give it up, I'm not just going to lay down and oh, I made it, I'm not doing this anymore. Like, no, there is more to come, there's more things that I want to do, like knowing that this is where I'm supposed to be going, like this is really cool, like this is exciting. I'm like super motivated, I'm super like what's next, you know, and so I don't want to pray it yet Because I I know what's next. When I did pray, I was in a very low place and I just didn't know what was next. I I was like, tell me, in your way, if I Stop doing this or I keep going with this. And I know it's not going to happen really, really quick. You know it's not going to happen overnight, but I just needed Something to keep me going, you know. And so, with this happening, I am so grateful, I am so happy that I got to do this in this lifetime and he is showing me the path and I'm just, I'm just super grateful. Keep praying, keep having that faith, and God has a plan for you.

Speaker 1:

Period going forward. I will be not here as much as I want to. I Definitely will stop by and do a podcast once in a while, but at this moment, right now I am in this month of February 1st I will be moving all my stuff into the antique store and then after that, next Sunday I will be on February the 10th I Will be at the Rose Bowl again, so it's going to be a lot of hectic three weeks Coming up. I just want to let all you guys know that I will be a little bit delayed on Doing podcasting. Thank you guys so much for being here with me from the very beginning, from the hardships that I started this podcast on and now really honing into what is about to come, and I am ready. I Prayed for it and I better be ready for it. So. So I will be at the antique store and you guys will see me there. Not every day, but You'll see all my items there and I will be posting it on my Instagram. So make sure you guys are following me on there.

Speaker 1:

On Becca, be K ah Zerati is the, as in zebra, a r a is he, and you guys can just follow me there so you guys can see what I will be having in my booth and Just with life, like what's going on in my life. More episodes to come, just a little bit delayed. I am not totally going to give up on podcasting. I'm never gonna give up on podcasting because it is my therapy. So, with that being said, thank you guys so much for listening to another episode of my wave of life. I will see you guys on a later date and hopefully you guys are making waves and your guys's lives, and we will see you guys later. Have a great day, guys.

Prayer and Trust in God
Gratitude for Answered Prayers and Opportunities